Kurdmax Pepule in diretta

Canale televisivo:Kurdmax Pepule

Paese: Iraq

Categoria: Tv per bambini

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Kurdmax Pepule guardare lo streaming in direttaa

Kurdmax Pepûle( کوردماکس پەپوولە‎) is a Kurdish language children television channel founded in 2014 in Iraqi Kurdistan. It is based in Erbil, Arbil Governorate, northern Iraq.


  • Kurdistan 24 (K24) is a Kurdish broadcast news station based in Hewler, Kurdistan with foreign bureaus in Washington, DC and Cologne, Germany. The service was launched on October

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  • Al Iraqiya is a satellite and terrestrial public broadcaster and television network in Iraq that was set up after the fall of Saddam Hussein. It is an Arabic language network that

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  • قناة الفرات الفضائية هي قناة فضائية العراقية تبث باللغة العربية. أسست في العراق في عام 2004 عن طريق عمار الحكيم رئيس تيار الحكمة الوطني و زعيم الائتلاف الوطني العراقي السابق. يمكن

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